Personal Legal

Your Will in Scotland: A Comprehensive Guide

Expertise in Wills and Estates Management

Wills and estates

Understanding Wills in Scotland

Wills are crucial for ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing. They serve not only to direct asset allocation but also to provide funeral directives and appoint guardians, particularly for minors.

Risks of Not Having a Will:

Understanding the potential risks of not having a Will can highlight the importance of this legal document in safeguarding your wishes and your family's future.


Check out or Wills FAQs
  1. Risk to Spousal and Kin Asset Transfer

    Assets may not automatically transfer to your spouse or closest kin.

  2. Court-Driven Asset Distribution

    The distribution of assets becomes a court matter, potentially leading to unforeseen allocations.

  3. Government Claim on Unclaimed Assets

    In the absence of relatives, your assets could end up with the government.

  4. Inheritance Challenges for Non-Relatives

    Non-relatives, including cohabitants, face significant hurdles in inheriting, requiring legal action and specific qualifications.

  5. Complications with Court-Appointed Executors

    Court-appointed executors necessitate additional insurance to mitigate potential mismanagement risks.

  6. As you can see, a lot of headaches (and expenses) for your loved ones can be avoided if you make a Will.

Our Scottish legal team simplifies the Will creation process, tailored to your unique requirements. While effective for UK assets, we advise consulting a solicitor for international holdings. We involve you in every step, from initial drafts to finalisation.

Our legal experts will get all the information they need from you to draw up drafts, and we’ll review everything thoroughly with you before making it official.

Our prices vary depending on complexity, but start at £300 +VAT. If you and your partner are completing similar ‘mutual’ Wills, the second one will cost less.

We’ll be able to give you a full quote after we’ve spoken to you and understand your needs. A few of the things we’ll ask about include:

  • Current and/or previous marital or partnership status 
  • Legal rights of any spouses/partners and/or children 
  • Tax planning or liabilities 
  • Trust provisions 
  • Property or assets owned abroad 
  • Business assets 
  • Guardianship of children

Your Will shouldn’t take more than a few weeks to complete. We can also help you update your current Will, which is a prudent thing to do if your circumstances have changed (marriage, divorce, children, etc.). Again, the cost will depend on complexity, but prices start at £165 +VAT.

If you’re interested in completing a ‘living Will’ (sometimes known as an ‘advance medical directive’ or ‘advance decision’), which would detail the circumstances under which you would not want to receive treatment if you became unable to communicate your wishes, our legal experts can advise you on this.